Whole Body Wellness

Through education, nutrition, detox and wellness coaching

health is our greatest wealth.

Taking care of our health is essential to living life to the fullest. Yet, each of us is bio individual and requires different nutrition, supplementation and lifestyle tools to thrive. By focusing on individualized protocols, education and lifestyle changes we are able to optimize health.


  • 1:1 Integrative Health Coaching

    This three month plan will incorporate the foundations of optimizing health, along with detox and supportive protocols.

  • One-Time Consultation

    This one-hour consultation is for those looking for specific suggestions and protocols targeted to individual health challenges.

  • Non-Toxic Lifestyle Consultation

    Overwhelmed by where to begin to detox your home and lifestyle? This one-hour consultation will customize a plan with products, tips and tools to help you begin your nontoxic journey!

  • Initial Mineral Balancing Consult

    This one-hour consult is for a HTMA test with AR Labs as well as an analysis that includes supplement and lifestyle recommendations for the first 3 months of mineral balancing.

  • Mineral Balancing Retest

    This follow-up appointment is for current clients who have completed their initial mineral balancing program and are ready to do an HTMA retest.

Hi, I’m Margie

Integrative Health Practitioner

I’m a wife, Mom and passionate about optimizing health. So many of us think that brain fog, lack of energy and poor sleep is just what happens when we age. But this couldn’t be further from the truth. Supporting our body through individualized nutrition and supplementation can essentially give you your life back!

Without our health we have a hard time enjoying all that life has to offer! Which is why I am so passionate about helping others achieve the best version of themselves.